understanding that smoking Hookah isn’t just a form of relaxing but a form of
celebrating life, we proudly present Alkayem Herbal FLavoured Molasses,
with 0% nicotine, 0% tar and )5 tobacco, manufactured withorganic herbal
material prividing the exact feel of smoking to our health conscious smokers.
After years of assiduous effort we have created an Amazing Herbal Blend, at the point where others stopped, and finally created a “Hats OFF” product – the USP of our product is Blending, as Blending is an art, it needs to create a good balance between the various smoking characteristics like – it has to have a pleasant natural rich aroma, fresh taste, must also burn evenly and should be long lasting, more clouds, and enjoyable – we blended all those characteristics and introduced real Herbal “Non Tobacco” or “Tobacco FREE” Herbal Shisha, a unique choice has been created, with many unique competitive advantages over other brands, for connoisseurs for all the occasions where smokers can enjoy a real BUZZ in Herbal Shisha.